The Stuff

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Soit le pitch (merci Wiki) d'un sombre film de série Z qui nous avait bien fait marrer durant nos folles soirées étudiantes, The Stuff :

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A man discovers a sticky white substance deep within a cave. It is found to be sweet and addictive. Later, the substance is marketed as the Stuff and is sold to the general public in pint (roughly half-liter) containers like ice cream. It is marketed as having no calories and as being sweet, creamy, and filling. The Stuff becomes a nationwide craze and drastically hurts the sales of ice cream.

A former FBI agent turned industrial saboteur, David "Mo" Rutherford (Moriarty), is hired by the leaders of the suffering ice cream industry, as well as junk food mogul Charles W. "Chocolate Chip Charlie" Hobbs (Garrett Morris), to find out exactly what the Stuff is and destroy it.

His efforts reveal that the craze for the dessert is far deadlier and much more evil than anyone had believed – the Stuff is actually a living, parasitic, and possibly sentient organism, and it gradually takes over the brain, mutating those who eat it into bizarre zombie-like creatures before consuming them from the inside and leaving them empty shells of their former selves...


LA FIN DU MONDE EST POUR DEMAIN ! Le Stuff est déjà dans nos supermarchés ! DSC08709

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<br /> Oh le fameux pot, je vois qu'il fait sensation vu comment il est entamé !<br /> <br /> <br />